

  • Franco Luciano Forneron Buschiazzo
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 45 25 Nov 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 98 02 May 2024
Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy gunicorn-k8s
Show information


Quick guide

What you’ll do

To deploy the charm and relate it to the PostgreSQL K8s charm within a Juju Kubernetes model:

juju deploy postgresql-k8s
juju deploy gunicorn-k8s
juju relate postgresql-k8s:db gunicorn-k8s:pg

To inject a new env variable:

juju config gunicorn-k8s environment="DB_URI: {{pg.db_uri}}"

Also try other options like just putting a random string or relation variables like pg.conn_str (variables from relations always have to be put between double curly braces).

To deploy the charm and relate it to influxdb, assuming you have a machine model for influx and a k8s model for gunicorn:

juju switch machine-ctrl:admin/influx-model
juju deploy influxdb
juju offer influxdb:query influxoffer
juju switch k8s-ctrl:admin/gunicorn_model
juju deploy gunicorn-k8s
juju relate gunicorn-k8s machine-ctrl:admin/influx-model.influxoffer

The charm also supports the ingress relation, which can be used with nginx-ingress-integrator.

juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator
juju relate gunicorn-k8s:ingress nginx-ingress-integrator:ingress

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago.